444 4 791

Dental Veneers

Laminate Veneers

Laminate veneers enable your teeth and smile to look healthy and beautiful again without minimal or no cutting procedure applied particularly on your anterior teeth. Laminate means “layer” while veneer means “covering.” Together, laminate veneer means “covering the teeth with a layer.”

In which conditions can I receive laminate veneers?


In which conditions am I not a candidate to receive laminate veneers?

If you have one of the above-stated conditions, you can consult our clinic and prefer full dental crowns instead of laminate veneers.


How long does the laminate veneer treatment take and which procedures are performed in which stages?

In the first examination, a cutting procedure is performed, if required, and measurements are taken. In the second session, arriving restorations are rehearsed in your mouth. The points you do not like or want to change are treated in this session. In the last session, the attachment procedure is performed. Accordingly, your treatment is completed within approximately 5-7 days.


Will there be a painful process during or between the sessions?

No. Procedures are performed by anesthetizing your teeth during the sessions. Temporary crowns are attached at the end of sessions, so you can continue your daily life while your treatment is ongoing. (However, bear in mind that it is normal if you feel sensitivity during the consumption of hot and cold foods and beverages when the temporary crowns are attached.)



Will there be discoloration on my teeth again if I receive laminate veneers?

There will be no discoloration on laminate veneers as long as you take care of your oral hygiene. Natural teeth are highly affected by smoking, wine, coloring agents, and acidic foods while laminate veneers are more durable compared to natural teeth.


What points should I consider after receiving laminate veneers?


Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crown treatment is an old treatment method but still one of the most frequently performed treatments thanks to its durability and aesthetic appearance. Its aesthetic and adaptability to oral tissues are great. Ideal porcelain crowns can be achieved thanks to their durable metal base and combined use.

Although it is preferred in the missing teeth cases, it is better to use all-ceramic crowns on the anterior teeth, where aesthetics is prioritized, instead of the metal-assisted crowns. As the gum recession occurs over time, the dark color of the metal reflecting under the gums will adversely affect the anterior teeth' aesthetics.


Emax Crowns

Emax Crowns are made up of durable ceramics without using metal. No metal base is used in these crowns unlike the metal-assisted porcelains, so the aesthetic and allergic problems caused by the metal are eliminated.


What are the advantages of Emax Crowns?

Which kind of teeth can receive Emax Crowns?


How long does the Emax Crown treatment take?

Emax Crown treatment takes 2-3 sessions and 7-10 days in total based on the number of teeth to be treated. The best material is determined following the comprehensive clinical and radiological examination of the patient and then the aesthetic treatment is commenced. 

Inlay/Onlay Restorations

Standard fillings underachieve a sufficient level of success and do not last long if the tooth has incurred severe material loss and more than half of the tooth surface is lost for various reasons (decay, trauma, etc.). The crown (covering) treatment considered for these kinds of teeth leads to an unnecessary concession from the natural teeth structure. In this case, the best solution is an inlay or onlay treatment. The restorative materials that are frequently used in inlay and onlay fillings created with aesthetic purposes are composites and porcelains. Porcelain inlay and onlay fillings are types of dental fillings created against some disadvantages of the composite and amalgam fillings and are preferred particularly for aesthetic purposes.


What are the advantages of inlay/onlay restorations?

    How many sessions does an Inlay/Onlay restoration treatment require?

In the first session of an inlay/onlay restoration treatment, the cavity is cleaned and then the measurements are taken and sent to the laboratory. In the next session, the restorations are fixed on the teeth and the procedure is completed. The whole process is completed within approximately 4 days.

Dental Bridge 

A dental bridge is placed between two teeth aligned on the right and left of a teeth gap caused by missing teeth. The sizes of the other two teeth are reduced in this procedure and the remaining gap is closed with the dental bridge.


Why is a dental bridge important?

Tooth losses may cause the face and jaw anatomy to be disrupted and speech disorders particularly in cases where multiple tooth losses occur over time, so it is significant to fill the gaps caused by the tooth loss. In cases where one of the teeth is missing inside the mouth, other teeth may move towards the right, left, up, or down by moving through the empty area in time. This causes mouth and tooth anatomy to be disrupted over time and results in having difficulties in chewing when eating and feeling pain due to the excess load imposed on the other teeth.


How is a dental bridge treatment conducted?

In a dental bridge treatment, the healthy teeth next to the empty teeth (aligned on the right and left side) are scaled down by shaving in order to act as a holder. Then, the dentist ensures that the most suitable prostheses are created by measuring the mouth and jaw of the patient. Dental bridge prostheses are prepared in accordance with the tooth structure and tooth color of the patient. The dentist places the prosthesis inside the mouth and ensures that the prosthesis fits smoothly and does not discomfort the patient. In case there is a problem with the prepared dental bridge prosthesis or it pricks the gums or palate of the patient, the prosthesis is adjusted in conformity with the patient’s mouth.


Who can receive a dental bridge treatment?

There are two different treatment methods to fill the place of missing teeth: implants and dental bridges. The dental bridge treatment is considered according to both the preferences of the patient and the conformity of mouth and bone structure. This method of treatment is recommended for patients whose mouth structure is not suitable for an implant. If the mouth and jawbone structure or the soft tissue structure of the patient is not suitable for implant use, dental bridge treatment is recommended for these patients.



What are the points to consider following a dental bridge treatment?

There are some important points to be considered by the patient following a dental bridge treatment. It is significant that dental bridges are cleaned and there is no food and plaque accumulation on the teeth. Dental cavities and gum problems may occur in the case that the holders (teeth) that are scaled down to fix the prosthesis and the dental prosthesis are not cleaned regularly.

Updated Date: 7.10.2022 15:11:11


  • Kale Mh, İstiklal Cd. No:35/1 İlkadım/Samsun-------------------- Muratpaşa Mah. Şair Adem Dede Cd.No:31 Muratpaşa/Antalya
  • 444 4 791 /
  • +90 (507) 131 19 39
  • info@dentaclinics.com
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