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We are here for Quality, Reliable and Healthy Life..

We are opening the doors of a healthy and quality life for those who have problems with their dental health from all over Turkey.

We Offer The Best Facilities..

We strive to provide the highest quality service to our patients with our state-of-the-art devices. All of our staff are approaching with Covid-19 sensitivity. We attach great importance to hygiene and disinfection. We do our best to bid farewell to our patients with full satisfaction.

This is what we are for..

Our Treatments

Our main treatments are as follows.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Teeth Whitening? Is There Any Side Effect?

What is Teeth Whitening? Is There Any Side Effect?
Healthy and white teeth in humans are of great importance in terms of both health and aesthetics. Tooth whitening, which is applied especially to have whiter teeth, is one of the methods applied by many dentists recently. Teeth whitening is the process of cleaning the colored, organic and inorganic substances in the porous enamel structure of the teeth with gels.

Teeth Whitening Procedures
One of the most important points of personal care is teeth. The appearance of the teeth helps people look aesthetically beautiful. In particular, shape and color disorders in the teeth can cause psychological problems in people. With the development of aesthetic and restorative materials in dentists, shape and color disorders are resolved.

In addition to many methods that people apply in their dental care, there are also medical teeth whitening treatments applied by dentists. Teeth whitening method, which is among them, is easy and economical compared to many other applications. For this reason, it has been applied by many people in recent years.

Teeth Whitening Methods
Teeth whitening processes are performed according to two different techniques. One of them is a reliable whitening process that consists of whitening gel and light, which is performed within an hour and can lighten the color of the teeth by 4 tons.

Another method is at-home teeth whitening. It is applied by putting gels into the plastic mouths specially prepared for the patients with an oral measure. At the end of this process, people get whitening within 5 or 6 days. This gel should be worn between 4 and 8 hours during the day.

What are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?
The appearance of white teeth is undoubtedly a situation that everyone wants. For this reason, teeth whitening procedures have been applied frequently in recent years. However, sensitivity may occur after all whitening procedures. Sensitivity to cold and hot drinks may cause discomfort to these people. Usually this sensitivity goes away within 24 or 48 hours. If this sensitivity does not go away, the bleaching process should be discontinued.

Toothpaste recommended by dentists as a result of increased sensitivity. The cream and fluoride applied by the dentist will help reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. In addition, toothpastes containing potassium nitrate can be used to reduce sensitivity in the teeth.

What is Zirconium Coating?

What is Zirconium Coating?
Dental veneers are made for patients who need it. These coatings are usually applied in the form of porcelain coatings. Dentists make these veneers using Zirconium depending on the patient. Zirconium veneer has many advantages over porcelain veneers.

What is Zirconium Coating?
Zirconium coating is heat resistant and white in color. It is a substance used when coating for teeth. This substance has an advantageous structure in terms of gingival health. It is preferred in terms of dental aesthetics.

Zirconium coating provides biological compatibility, aesthetic appearance, mechanical resistance and natural tooth appearance. Thanks to its robustness, it is preferred by patients and physicians. It improves the dental quality of patients. Especially thanks to the Zirconium coating applied to the front teeth, patients regain their old smiles.

For Which Teeth Is Zirconium Veneer Suitable?
Zirconium crown is suitable for many teeth. These teeth;

Teeth with severe stains and color differences,

Pre-broken and cut teeth,

In order to join the split teeth,

Teeth that need to be repaired with old fillings,

Crossed and crooked teeth that do not need orthodontic treatment,

Teeth with high loss of substance and which cannot be filled,

Zirconium veneer is applied to repair broken teeth.

What are the Advantages of Zirconium Coating?
The demand for zirconium crowns has increased in competition with the desire for porcelain teeth. Zirconium coating has many advantages. Thanks to these advantages, oral and dental health is protected. It is ensured that the patients become comfortable with their teeth.

Zirconium coating has insulating properties. It does not cause tooth sensitivity in hot and cold food and beverages. Patients with tooth sensitivity can have veneers at the suggestion of their physicians.

It is similar to natural teeth as it transmits light. It is brighter than porcelain teeth. For this reason, it is not noticeable in the mouth. Its retention is higher than other drag materials. The probability of yellowing and staining is very low. They do not change color. They do not cause taste disorders in the mouth. They do not cause gum and bad breath problems.

Where is Zirconium Coating Made?
Private Denta Samsun Oral and Dental Health Center is open to service with its expert physician staff. People who will have zirconium coating can be treated by visiting Private Denta. Patients can have Zirconium coating in hygiene by choosing the appropriate physician for them.

What is Wireless Orthodontic Treatment?

What is Wireless Orthodontic Treatment?
Wearing braces is a frequently preferred method to have pearly teeth. Since the wire does not create a beautiful appearance on the teeth, it may cause hesitation for people who will wear it. With the developing technology, an alternative treatment to wire therapy has emerged: Wireless orthodontic treatment.

What is Wireless Orthodontic Treatment?
Although orthodontic treatment is generally performed with wires, it is possible to receive orthodontic treatment without wires today. This treatment method, which can be used for anyone aged 11 and over, does not cause an ugly appearance on the teeth.

Thanks to the material produced from transparent colored thermoplastic surrounding the teeth, a treatment that cannot be seen from the outside is applied. Thanks to this treatment, anyone can have beautiful teeth without fear of looking ugly.

What are the Advantages of Wireless Orthodontic Treatment?
Wireless orthodontic treatment includes many advantages over the treatment with wires. The advantages of this treatment method, which is becoming more and more widespread, direct people to wireless orthodontic treatment.

It does not create an ugly appearance as it is not noticed by the eye.

It is comfortable to use.

It is easy to clean.

It does not restrict when consuming hard, cold and hot foods.

Plates are removable.

Food residues do not accumulate.

It does not lower self-confidence.

It provides a beautiful view.

Since it is specially prepared for the person, it provides full compliance with the teeth.

How to Clean the Plaques Used in Wireless Orthodontic Treatment?
In the treatment of wireless orthodontics, personalized transparent plaques are used instead of wires. These plaques, which should be worn for 20-22 hours a day, do not make it difficult to eat and drink.

Plaques are very easy to clean. Everyone can clean using only the materials at home. Plaque removal requires an old toothbrush and toothpaste. Plaques that are brushed like toothbrushes using hot water are cleaned. Teeth should be brushed after meals before plating.

Who Can Do Wireless Orthodontic Treatment?
Wireless orthodontics is a not very old treatment method. For this reason, it should be treated correctly by people who are experts in the field. Patients who want to have beautiful teeth without using braces can go to Private Denta Samsun Oral and Dental Health Center for treatment.

Patients who can choose the doctor they want, have beautiful teeth with appropriate treatment methods. Private Denta Samsun Oral and Dental Health Center should be visited to bring back the old smiles and improve the quality of life.

How to Have a Healthy Gum?

How to Have a Healthy Gum?
One of the topics covered in the subject of oral and dental health is gum health. The human body has a systematic working principle. In other words, oral and gingival health is directly related to the rest of the general health factors.

Gum diseases, which are seen in the general majority of the society, can lead to more serious consequences if not treated. In order not to fall into this situation, the person should check himself and consult a specialist immediately when he encounters a difference in the gums. So, how do we understand the differences that may arise in our gums? The answer to this question is quite simple: knowing what a healthy gum should look like.

What Features Does a Healthy Gum Have?
A healthy gum appears dull and has a rosy (pale pink) color. It continues tightly along the gum line and completely surrounds the teeth. Gum bleeding is the most important sign that there is a problem in this area. Accordingly, healthy gums; it does not bleed, does not hurt and does not ache. Bleeding due to tooth brushing or flossing is also among the factors that indicate that the gums are unhealthy.

Main Causes of Gum Bleeding
While there may be some diseases under the gingival bleeding, these bleedings may also occur periodically. Gingivitis and periodontitis, called gingivitis, are the main diseases that cause bleeding. Gingivitis, where the inflammation does not reach the bone tissues; Periodontitis is the inflammation that has reached the bone tissue. Although gingival bleeding is not caused by inflammation, it is possible to list other factors that may cause it as follows.

– Making traumatic movements during dental care

- Disruption of hormonal balance in the body

– Use of drugs in the blood thinning group

– Untreated dental caries

Nutritional deficiency that causes deficiencies such as vitamin C or K

What Can Be Done for Healthier Gums?
For healthier gums, first of all, attention should be paid to oral and dental health. Teeth should be brushed regularly and with a suitable toothbrush every day, and the toothbrush should be changed at regular intervals. In addition, hard foods should not be bitten, and extremely hot or extremely cold foods should be avoided during eating and drinking. Because such behaviors can cause tooth enamel to crack.

What are the Benefits of Mouthwash?

What are the Benefits of Mouthwash?
Oral and dental health is undoubtedly very important for everyone. Keeping our mouth and teeth clean and regular maintenance is necessary for our teeth to be healthy. One of the methods applied for oral and dental health is mouth shower. Mouthwash is often recommended as an alternative to people who don't use dental floss. Today, it is one of the parts that should be used by everyone.

What is Mouthwash?
In 1996, the first mouthwash device was invented to clean dental plaque and residues. In the first years, people could not remove their dental plaques at home and by their own means. After this situation, mouthwash emerged. Mouthwash is an important device that cares for all areas between the teeth and inside the mouth with pressurized water and air spray feature.

Today, dental floss is used quite often. However, there are many areas where dental floss cannot penetrate. Mouthwash is an easy-to-use device that can effectively clean the areas where dental floss cannot reach in the mouth. Mouthwash, which has become an inseparable part of our oral health today, ensures the destruction of prostheses on implants, fixed bridges and food residues that cause bad breath over time. For this reason, mouthwash has become indispensable for oral and dental health.

How to Use a Mouthwash?
Mouthwashes are very easy to use. Warm water and optionally rinsing water can be put into the water tank. The amount of liquid specified here should be placed. Then, the machine can be operated by attaching the appropriate head for the mouthwash. The machine sprays water and air at the same time, so that hard-to-reach places in the mouth can be cleaned.

What are the Benefits of Mouthwash?
According to the studies conducted in recent years, it is seen that the mouth shower prevents the formation of plaque in teeth cleaning. These devices, which are produced especially for use instead of dental floss, have started to be used by everyone today. The most important reason for using a mouthwash is that it provides cleaning of hard-to-reach places in the mouth. There are many benefits to using a mouthwash. These benefits are:

– Mouthwash prevents plaque formation.

Thanks to the spare tips, those who have orthodontic treatment and have gum problems can also use it safely.

– With the tongue cleaner apparatus, it cleans all the bacteria on the tongue.

– It helps to prevent bad breath.

How Should Implant Care Be Done?

How Should Implant Care Be Done?
Depending on the developing technology in medicine and dentistry, treatments have also improved and become easier. Missing and aching teeth are now treated with different methods. In this way, the ugly appearance of the teeth and the discomfort they cause are avoided.

What is an implant?
Implant is a form of treatment for missing teeth. It is done by placing a dental prosthesis on the screws placed in the jawbone. This form of treatment, which does not harm other teeth and jaws, is applied by dentists to suitable patients.

Who is Implant Treatment Applied to?
Implant treatment is not applied to patients whose age is younger. In order to apply the treatment, patients must be 18 years old. Implant treatment is applied to individuals whose jaw and facial development are completed.

The suitability of the jaw structure is evaluated by dentists. Depending on the x-ray taken, the suitability of the patient is determined. The conditions of patients with diabetes and who use blood thinners are evaluated. People with osteoporosis can undergo implant application after their treatment is over.

How is Implant Care Done?
Patients undergoing implant treatment wonder how to care for implants in order not to have problems with their teeth again. No special effort is required for implant care. What is done for the health of natural teeth, the same things should be done for the teeth placed after the implant.

It is necessary to brush the teeth at least twice a day. Water can be used to rinse the mouth. Toothbrushes used should be changed at regular intervals. It is necessary to remove the residues left on the teeth and prevent the decay of the teeth. It is also possible to clean the mouth by using dental floss.

Patients undergoing implant treatment should not forget that their teeth are more sensitive to inflammation. The reason for this is not related to the materials from which the implant is made. It is because the teeth are not natural. It is possible to maintain dental health by going to regular check-ups. If specialist dentists have patient-specific recommendations, they should be taken into account and applied.

Who Applies Implant Treatment?
Dental health is important for every individual. The lack of teeth, especially in the front, causes an ugly appearance. Dentists who will apply implant treatment should be knowledgeable and experts in their field. You can start your treatment by going to Private Denta Samsun Oral and Dental Health Center and choosing the most suitable doctor.


Oral and Dental Health During Pregnancy

Oral and Dental Health During Pregnancy
We all know the importance of oral and dental health. In order to ensure the continuity of this health, life-long effective care is required. But in some cases, these treatments may show privilege. In particular, some situations should not be applied in terms of dental health in certain periods of women's lives. One of these periods for women is the pregnancy period.

Oral and Dental Health in Pregnancy
One of the most feared situations of mothers during pregnancy is the problems they experience in their teeth. It is a fact that there will be some changes in oral health during pregnancy. The most important change among these is that the increase in estrogen and progesterone hormones during pregnancy causes plaque accumulation on the teeth. If the plaque formed on the teeth is not removed, inflammation may occur in the teeth. Experts call this condition pregnancy gingivitis.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, there may be increased volume and bleeding in the gums. It shows different intensities in different people. If people have gingivitis, it may worsen during pregnancy and should be treated. If left untreated, it progresses to periodontitis. In addition, another fear of pregnant women is pregnancy tumor. These are inflammatory lesions that occur as a result of gingival enlargement. Usually it should be left alone. However, if this situation causes discomfort to pregnant patients, they should definitely consult a dentist.

Can Dental Treatment Be Applied During Pregnancy?
Dental care during pregnancy should be examined in three periods. The first trimester is a sensitive period for the baby. Therefore, interventions may cause miscarriage. However, pregnant women who cause severe pain and who have emergencies such as extraction or root canal treatment should see a dentist. Thus, dentists will apply the appropriate treatment without harming the baby.

In the second trimester, it is a period in which tooth extraction, filling or root canal treatments can be performed that will not be expected until the end of pregnancy. In the third trimester, due to the approaching birth, physicians will not be able to intervene unless there is an emergency as in the first periods.

How Should Oral and Dental Health Care Be Done During Pregnancy?
Dental health care during pregnancy is very important. Oral and dental care should be done on a daily basis. Before getting pregnant, you should definitely go to the dentist and have a mouth examination. Because the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are directly related to plaque accumulation and gum diseases.

What is Bonding Treatment?

What is Bonding Treatment?
Teeth are one of the first places to be looked at in a person. For this reason, the beautiful appearance of the teeth increases the self-confidence of the person. Bonding treatment is performed by specialist physicians to ensure that the appearance of the teeth remains beautiful.

What is Bonding Treatment?
Bonding is a type of treatment performed both to protect teeth and to provide aesthetic beauty. With the bonding treatment, small gaps are closed without damaging the teeth. In case of deformities, additions are made with Bonding without the need to cut the teeth.

Bonding treatment is often recommended by dentists for minor deterioration in teeth. Thanks to the small touches that reshape the teeth, the quality of life of the patients increases.

What are the Advantages of Bonding Treatment?
Bonding treatment does not harm the teeth.

Cutting is not done with bonding.

A dynamic appearance is obtained on the teeth.

Visually aesthetic teeth are formed.

It whitens the teeth.

There is no need to undergo major operations for small fractures.

Patients who will have porcelain veneer are given the chance to preview with bonding veneer.

It helps to close the bruises.

Short teeth are lengthened.

Indistinguishable from other teeth.

It reshapes the teeth.

Does Bonding Treatment Cause Pain?
Bonding therapy is a short-term treatment. It allows the teeth to gain a beautiful appearance in a couple of hours. It is usually applied without anesthesia. They are pain-free exercises. Since it does not harm the essence of the teeth, it does not cause pain during and after the application.

Bonding treatments combined with another treatment may need numbing. When necessary, physicians start the treatment by anesthetizing the areas.

Do Teeth Need Special Care After Bonding?
There are some situations that should be considered after bonding. Patients should avoid hard foods. People who have the habit of biting nails should quit this habit. Patients who consume hard substances may cause abrasions on the surfaces.

It is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the teeth. Brushing twice a day, using dental water and flossing are essential ingredients for oral health. The abrasions experienced are removed within 6 months.

Who Can Apply Bonding Treatment?
This treatment can be applied after going to Private Denta Samsun Oral and Dental Health Center and being examined. Thanks to dentists who are experts in their field, a more beautiful appearance is obtained by applying the Bonding treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Using Dental Floss?

What are the Benefits of Using Dental Floss?
Brushing teeth is one of the most important practices for oral and dental health. Tooth brushing helps clean only half of the tooth surfaces. For this reason, bacterial plaque or food residues left on the teeth damage the teeth. For this, teeth need special care. This is one of the main causes of tooth decay and discomfort. Therefore, regular use of dental floss is of great importance for dental health.

What is Dental Floss?
Dental floss is a material produced from plastic fibers that are thin enough to go between the teeth. Dental floss is produced in two different varieties. One of them is waxed and the other non-waxed dental floss. But there is no difference in these two different models. There are also mint flavored dental floss produced in different brands. Disposable dental floss should be discarded after cleaning the tooth.

Benefits of Using Dental Floss
Toothbrushes may not reach the back, front or upper parts of the teeth. In addition, it may not be possible to clean between the teeth with a toothbrush. Therefore, it is very important to use dental floss for oral and dental health. The biggest benefit of dental floss is cleaning between the teeth, preventing the formation of plaque and bacteria. For this reason, in order to have healthy teeth, dental floss should be used in addition to brushing.

After meals, many food residues may remain between the teeth. This causes bad breath in people. Today, many people say that they cannot prevent bad breath despite brushing their teeth regularly. The biggest reason for this is that food residues that are not visible to the naked eye remain between the teeth. It is recommended to use dental floss for these residues that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush.

In addition, leftovers can cause many infections. Dental infections can cause great danger when they mix with the blood in the body. The use of dental floss not only prevents infections, but also prevents tooth loss.

How To Use Dental Floss?
Many people wonder when to use dental floss. But there is no specific time for this. The time recommended by dentists is to use before going to bed. There is no harm in using dental floss after eating or brushing teeth at noon or in the evening.

How Should Baby and Children's Oral Care Be?

How Should Baby and Children's Oral Care Be?
Children's health is very important to all of us. For every mother and father, the question of how to care for babies and children is one of the most important questions. Because oral health means that people and babies are healthy. Gum health is one of the issues that should be focused on, along with dental health.

Oral and Dental Health in Babies and Children
Oral and dental health should be taken care of for the general health of babies and children. It is very important to prevent the formation of thrush, especially in infants and children. The first thing to do is to check the baby's mouth while breastfeeding. Thus, it is possible to act cautiously by seeing if there is a problem.

Oral care in babies and children means keeping the mouth and teeth clean. Other than that, nothing too big needs to be done. It is enough for parents to check their children's mouths and make sure that their mouths are clean. Especially the formation of thrush in the mouth of babies can cause them to refuse to suck. Because thrush formation is very painful in babies. Therefore, in this case, the vital needs of babies are not met. For this reason, oral care and control in infants and children is of great importance.

The Importance of Oral Care in Babies
Compared to past years, today there are many products that facilitate baby oral care. Therefore, oral care for babies is easier today. Teeth and palate cleaning wipes are very important for babies. These wipes, which are especially useful and useful for daily care, should be used after breastfeeding. For this, intraoral cleaning can be performed by wrapping the handkerchief around the finger.

In some cases, if babies suckle too much, milk may overflow from the corner of the mouth. In this case, babies should definitely clean their mouths after breastfeeding. If this cleaning is not done, thrush formation may occur. During the onset of tooth development in babies, attention should be paid to dental health as well as oral hygiene. Using special toothbrushes for babies is very important for the dental health of babies.

Importance of Dental Health in Children
With the emergence of teeth after infancy, it is necessary to pay attention to dental care. Preventing damage and decay of newly erupted teeth in oral care is a very important condition for dental health. Especially in children, this cleaning should be done before going to sleep. In addition, tooth and mouth cleaning wipes can be continued to be used in children as in babies.


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  • 444 4 791 /
  • +90 (507) 131 19 39
  • info@dentaclinics.com
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